If we had to give you just one reason why you should choose fishing lure components by the Worth Manufacturing Company, we’d have to say this, it’s all we’ve done for 70 years. Our sole focus has been on manufacturing the finest crafted wire forms and fishing lure components in the fishing tackle industry, and we’re not tackling anything else.
Four generations of the Worth family have spent seven decades perfecting our manufacturing processes, producing our own exacting tooling standards, identifying the finest materials and developing the most durable finishes. Yes, we do it all ourselves because that’s the best way to ensure it’s done the right way.
We haven’t been around for this long because we keep making the same old fishing lure components the same way over and over again. Certainly, there’s something to be said for consistency, but there’s also a lot to be said for innovation. Fishermen are always looking for something new, the lure that’s going to help them “catch the big one", and they’re looking to you to provide it. That’s why we consistently update and enhance our products and technology.
Build Your Business Around Our Worth.
Did you know, we are a lot alike? Independent business owners whose reputation hinges on the quality of the lure and fishing tackle products you offer. And like you, we need to go beyond offering the best product. We need to offer exceptional customer service, be responsive to your needs and deliver what is needed when it’s needed.
That’s why major tackle manufacturers throughout the world look to us. Not just for our quality materials and equipment, or our custom craftsmanship, attention to detail, and rigorous inspection standards, but because we also help them build a better business. We ensure our clients can provide their customers with innovative, cost-effective, quality fishing lures and tackle in any season.
Exceptional design. We design innovative products that set the standard for the fishing tackle industry including split rings, casting spoons, spinner blades, clevises, swivels, beads, lure bodies, lure making tools, wire forming tools and machinery, fly tying vises and split ring pliers.
High-volume, cost-efficient production. Our state-of-the-art manufacturing facility is the industry's largest and most sophisticated. With complete in-house production capabilities, we’re able to accomplish more, in a faster time period, and in greater quantities, meaning greater cost savings to you.