Clam Outdoors has stood for the best in outdoor gear. Our customers tell us that the Clam name means dependable, durable, and tough. That's important, because no one wants to be out in the field or on the ice and have a problem with their gear. Quality is our top priority at Clam, and it's reflected in everything we make.
The centerpiece of our tungsten series is your new bread-and-butter jig. It’s available in four sizes; some tiny, some big enough to bulk up with multiple magots, waxies or buggy plastics. Take on anything, from monster crappies, bluegills and perch to even bass, walleye and pike. With its bulbous front and tapered back, the jig hangs at about a 45-degree angle, creating a pivoting hook that finds the top of fish’s mouths on the hookset.
Brand | Clam |